Android Wireless Application Development

Android Wireless Application Development

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Book description

The start-to-finish guide to Android development–from concept to market!

Android Wireless Application Development combines all the reliable information, sample code, and best practices you need to build, distribute, and market successful Android mobile applications. Drawing on their extensive experience with mobile and wireless development, Shane Conder and Lauren Darcey cover everything you need to execute a successful Android project: from concept and design through coding, testing, packaging, and delivery.

Conder and Darcey explain how mobile development differs from conventional development, how Android differs from other mobile platforms, and how to take full advantage of Android’s unique features and capabilities. They present detailed, code-rich coverage of Android’s most important APIs, expert techniques for organizing development teams and managing Android projects, and dozens of time-saving tricks and pitfalls to avoid.

This book is an indispensable resource for every member of the Android development team: software developers with all levels of mobile experience, team leaders and project managers, testers and QA specialists, software architects, and even marketers.

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Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. About the Authors
  6. Introduction
  7. I. An Overview of Android
    1. 1. Introducing Android
    2. 2. Your Android Development Environment
    3. 3. Writing Your First Android Application
    1. 4. Understanding the Anatomy of an Android Application
    2. 5. Managing Application Resources
    1. 6. Exploring User Interface Screen Elements
    2. 7. Designing Android User Interfaces with Layouts
    3. 8. Drawing and Working with Animation in Android
    1. 9. Using Android Data and Storage APIs
    2. 10. Using Android Networking APIs
    3. 11. Using Location-Based Services (LBS) APIs
    4. 12. Using Android Multimedia APIs
    5. 13. Using Android Telephony APIs
    6. 14. Using Android 3D Graphics with OpenGL ES
    7. 15. Using Android’s Optional Hardware APIs
    1. 16. Working with Notifications
    2. 17. Working with Services
    1. 18. The Mobile Software Development Process
    2. 19. Developing and Testing Bulletproof Android Applications
    3. 20. Selling Your Android Application
    1. A. The Android Emulator Quick-Start Guide
    2. B. The Android DDMS Quick-Start Guide
    3. C. The Android Debug Bridge Quick-Start Guide
    4. D. The SQLite Quick-Start Guide
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