Grant Programs

The City of Akron's Department of Planning and Urban Development annually receives Federal Funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with the primary goal of providing assistance to low to moderate income households and/or low to moderate income areas within the City of Akron, Ohio.
The housing and community development needs are documented in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs.

The City of Akron, Ohio will invest $500,000 in eligible community improvement projects by providing grants to Akron's not-for-profit Community Development Corporations (CDC's). Applications will be accepted through July 8, 2024.

The purpose of this grant program is to partner with CDC’s to invest in projects that promote population and tax revenue growth through the revitalization and repurposing of vacant, underutilized, blighted or historic buildings, increase investment in place-based infrastructure, housing rehabilitation, and public services.

By utilizing federal Community Development Block Grant Funds to support investments the City aims to foster the environment necessary to attract, develop, add new housing options, enable business creation and attraction and provide resources for Akron residents and neighborhoods.

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

The City of Akron is seeking proposals from qualified nonprofit organizations to provide homeless assistance services, including emergency shelter, street outreach, homeless preventions and/or rapid rehousing services and supportive services to families and/or individuals experiencing homelessness or have a three-day eviction notice.

The goal of this activity is to reduce the frequency and severity of homelessness in Akron.

The City of Akron has received and annual allocation of the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program for Fiscal Year 2024. The City's 2024 allocation is $527,670.

For more information, please consult the RFP application below:
ESG Program RFP - FY 2024
ESG Agency Contact Information 2024