Sample Medical Leave Application formats for School Students

Sample Medical Leave Application formats for School Students

[Here briefly describe sample leave application for medical from school by students. Any medical reason can be mentioned. In this application, we are mentioning sickness. You can modify these format as your requirement.]

Medical Leave Application Format for Students

Subject: Medical Leave

With due respect, it is stated that I am (name) studying in (class /grade name) (Pre-medical). I had been diagnosed with Jaundice (State your actual condition). The doctors had admitted me and recommended bed rest along with medicines to me. Enclosed with this application is my medical certificate. I request you to kindly grant me medical leave for the period I couldn’t attend school i.e. from (Date) to (Date). Kindly accept my leave and emit fine from my fees. I shall remain very grateful to you.

Class /Grade name …

Another format,

Leave Application by Student due to Doctor Recommendation

Subject: Leave for two days

I am (Name), a student of (Class/Grade). I have to make a request to you. Yesterday, while playing football in the evening, I got my ankle twist (Show your actual situation). My ankle is very painful now and I cannot walk. The doctors have recommended me complete rest for two days. Kindly grant me leave from (Date) to (Date) so that I can recover quickly. I shall be very grateful to you for this kind favor.

Thanking you in anticipation.